Wednesday, August 31, 2011

First Submission

Today I thot and thot and thot about what to write here in this public notice. It's a very big thing when there is a blank page and you are supposed to write something. Cousin Bluebonnett is depending on me writing something so I want it to be extra special good cause she is popular and knows things! I decided to have a snack while I thot and so I had a strawberry tart. Ok, I had two... but... welllllll, they help me think!

At first I thot I should write something important, you know, like 'The Good Girl's Guide to Gregarious Grooming' or 'Who's Hinted to be the Happening Hobbit of Harvestfest'. Writing a Grooming Guide seemed really like alot of work so I didn't do that one. Anyone that's ANYONE reads Teen-Hobbit and knows that they will probably cover the important parts of Harvestfest, so that took the wind out of my rowboat, as they say.

I thot about maybe writing about armour or weapons or some such. And I thot to myself, "You silly Hobbit! What do you know about armour or weapons?" So then I said to myself, "S..." Oh! Wait! I forgot to tell you, when I talk to myself I call myself "S". It started with Zinga (my twin sister). She thot it would be cool if people called her 'Zin', so all her mean Dwarf-friends call her that.

So I thot I'd be even cooler and call myself "S". Other people don't call me that - they call me "Singa" but I call MYSELF "S" and that's still pretty cool. Aunt Ceo says it's ok to call myself "S". She says as long as I wear my prettiest dress and look in the mirror and say good things about myself that's called an 'affirmation' and that's a good thing.

But I can't talk in the mirror about Zinga and how she's mean to me, Aunt Ceo says that has a negative auroch or something. I don't understand it all but Aunt Ceo is wise! I think she has been around as long as Middle Earth has been Middle Earth - that's a LONG time! Aunt Ceo knows things, but she's scary sometimes too.

People call her 'the Doom of Thorog Reborn'. I don't know what THAT means, but I bet it's something important - and scary! I wouldn't want to meet Aunt Ceo in a dark alley in Bree! NOT that Aunt Ceo would EVER go to Bree! She says the people in Bree all dress like... well... I better not say what Aunt Ceo says.

Oh! and when I say I talk to myself, it's like, you know, in my head. It's not like that Mr. Aegthil fellow that talks to himself out loud! He says he has an inner ear problem... more like an inner beer problem if you ask me. Cousin Irdu can make beer! It's called Strawberry Stout and wow is it strong! I can only drink one of those and I start seeing things double and triple. I DO love that strawberry flavor tho - what I remember of it! Mmmm strawberry... I think I need a tart!


  1. I call MYSELF "S" pathetic

  2. noooooooooooooo. She's not a MEAN stupidhead, she's just zlooooooooooooooooooooooooow and z's always LAST ;D


  3. Dude. I think I shall become a bobbit.


  4. This is too funny! Ya'll are making my mouth water with all this talk of strawberry-suffused spirits! I long for my Inn League.

    Aeghil as a bobbit, what a disgrace to bobbit kind! They wouldn't let you in, and for darn good reason!

    Well done, S!

    B.B., bearer of the Beard

  5. Well, I don't know, BB, it might be rather funny to let Aegthil be a bobbit - you see, the Merrydos are all GIRLS, so he would, at the very least, have to wear a dress!
