Public Service Announcement - Be Wary of Imposters!
Ladies and gentlehobbits (oh, and you big folk that read this, as well), it has come to our attention that there is an imposter amongst us! The hobbit pictured here is not a member of our Merrydo family. She was seen skulking around Michel Delving after the Eriador Music Society's concert last night, presumably on Bounder business, but that may just be a cover for other nefarious deeds. We shall be keeping a close eye on this one!
How shocking! I bet it's a conspiracy! Maybe she's in the witless relocation program and pretending to be one of us and then she marries Moo and then those Bree mafia people come to the Shire and then they take us all 'fishing' at Staddle pond! Oh Noes! This is calametous!
Is she related to Mountain Dew? - P.B.